Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Introduction

Everything needs an introduction, a beginning, a place to start and thst is exactly what this is. This blog will become many things. 1.) It will become a place were my stories can be read. (They are copyrighted of course.) 2.) It will be a place for me to sound off on religious, political, and material issues. 3.) It will be place were news will be heard that is otherwise unheard.

Now that I have explained what this site will be, I will tell you who I am. I am a 19-year old male college student in Grand Rapids, Michigan. During the course of the summer, I will post regularly, but during school the posts will be fewer and far in between.

Next, I will tell you why I picked the name I did for this blog. Johnny Creed is a fictional detective who runs the CIA (Creed Investigation Agency). This character will be the star of an upcoming story that I will be posting soon. As I said, more is coming.
God Bless for now.